The server (Ubuntu 16.04) is able to ping the public server name, firewall is turned off.
After starting the application the startup seems to do fine as well (there is an error but it seems to be related to multiple startups in which a table is to be created which already exists: ERROR: relation “sys_db_changelog” already exists).
When accessing the app through the browser I do get an initial response but then it fails (browser: unexpected error), logging:
Invocation of http://<server>:8080/app-core/remoting/cuba_LoginService failed: Did not receive successful HTTP response: status code = 404, status message = [Not Found]
( replaces the actual server name)
Logging of the docker images is attached which shows the full error.
I am not sure if you are willing and able to provide support on this but any help is appreciated.
to clear everything up and to make sure that the DB is really empty. If with the next start (docker-compose up) it does not come up, there’s a problem with the database generation scripts i’d guess.
Your both right; I was under the assumption that the application would pickup the configuration from the context.xml in the docker image. And I think it does but it is unable to execute the proper db scripts as it is still assuming the hsql configuration.
From the documentation (DBMS Types - CUBA Platform. Developer’s Manual) I understand that the dbms type needs to be set. So I did in the which was previously set to hsql, now to postgres. After rebuilding the war files and modifying the in both, I had good hopes that it would run this time but actually, the errors remain the same (although after destroying the previous images as David suggested, the initial error is a bit different ).
Hi Torben, this is exactly right I think but I am not able to switch the configuration to progres it seems. After modifying the it doesn’t do anything.
But I also saw there are multiple files in the project. Do you need to change them all?
Now got my studio setup to use postgres and it works ok - on postgress that is. When then building a war file, there still is an error:
10:51:33.200 INFO c.h.c.c.sys.dbupdate.DbUpdaterEngine - Executing script 10-cuba/init/hsql/create-db.sql
postgres_1 | ERROR: type "longvarchar" does not exist at character 350
So it still is using hsql scripts on creating the database. Not sure why it is doing that as everything I know of is pointing to use postgres…
Try to find out what app properties are actually take effect. Look at web.xml of the WAR file and find the appPropertiesConfig context parameter. It contains all resources that are scanned for properties. Each subsequent resource overrides values set by a previous one. So you can track down what value is actually assigned to cuba.dbmsType.
### Dockerfile
# Base Image: official tomcat 8 image, with jre 8 underneath
FROM tomcat:8-jre8
# Microsoft fonts
RUN echo "deb jessie contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN set -x \
&& apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -yq ttf-mscorefonts-installer \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Add tomcat users file for manager app
ADD container-files/tomcat-users.xml /usr/local/tomcat/conf/
# Add generated app war files to the webapps directory
ADD war/app.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/
ADD war/app-core.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/
ADD war/app-portal.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/
# Add context config file for the application
ADD container-files/context.xml /usr/local/tomcat/conf/
# copy logback.xml config in the container
ADD container-files/logback.xml /opt/cuba_home/
# copy index.jsp so that we get an automatic redirect
ADD container-files/index.jsp /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/index.jsp
# set env variables to use from docker container
# set CATALINA_OPTS env variable to point to logback config file and app home directory
# here the POSTGRES settings are being mapped to java properties
ENV CATALINA_OPTS "-Dlogback.configurationFile=/opt/cuba_home/logback.xml -Dapp.home=/opt/cuba_home -Dpostgres.container=\$POSTGRES_CONTAINER -Dpostgres.user=\$POSTGRES_USER\$POSTGRES_PW -Dpostgres.db=\$POSTGRES_DB -Dpostgres.port=\$POSTGRES_PORT"
Hi Torben, thanks - I have gotten a bit further but not there yet.
First of all I had to add the postgres driver to Tomcat as well (as was in the original file from David) then I needed to really put meaningful values into the postgres env variables. They were not set automatically. Should it or did I misunderstood the suggestion here?
Anyway, after hard coding the proper values in there I got at the point where the app-core is actually making a connection to the postgres server only to fail immediately after stating the required database was not found:
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (FATAL: database "base" does not exist)
I thought that to be logical and something that would trigger the creation of the database by app-core. But it did not, it failed and all execution stopped with a ‘SEVERE’ at the very end of it.
BTW: the database name is called ‘base’.
Attached is the full log of this run. Can you explain why it all stops instead of creating the database?
I have checked them all but could only find the to exist. Anyway, that one was configured fine and a connection to postgres seems to be working now (see comments in the thread with Torben). But it isn’t working as the app-core is not creating the database - instead, everything stops after there is an exception that the database does not exist (on the first run).
Copy to clipboardI thought that to be logical and something that would trigger the creation of the database by app-core.
Did you create an empty database named “base”? App core does not actually create a database, it can only create tables in it (unlike createDb Gradle task). This is because usually the app server has no DB superuser permission.
Sorry if I missed something from your previous discussion.
Hi Konstantin, thanks for your help. I did not create the database. That’s mainly because the instructions from David didn’t either and from studio its created automatically as well. Although I now understand this is not always the case.
Puzzles me why there is now mentioning of it in other posts. And it is not something straightforward to do as the postgres docker image is used ‘as is’. I now have to build an image with an empty database it seems.
I will give it a try but some explanation why David and Torben are not mentioning it, or actually seem to do without, would be appreciated.
Thanks Torben, this explains why you don’t do anything special on that part. But I’m not sure if I understand the part about the environment variables:
“If you use my docker file, then the environment variables are easy to match against the postgres ones.”
I do see the construction in the Dockerfile but they didn’t work for me. Do I need to set the environment variables in my bash before starting anything? I now just hard coded the correct values in there (rather than using environment variables).
How do I get the progres image to use the correct values?
When you start each docker instance, then you are able to pass values to the environment variables. This is also explained here How do I pass environment variables to Docker containers? - Stack Overflow, and even with postgres as an example - although they do not mount a local path to the database, which I believe is important.
You really need to use the environment variables and also make sure that you mount the location of the database to a local path, as you would otherwise loose you data, next time you start the docker postgres instance.
the reason i didn’t mention it is, that i didn’t use a custom database name in the example.
In the example i used the docker-compose.yml file to create a postgres db. The default docker images of postgres creates a database with the name “postgres” which i reuse.
in the context.xml i used hard coded connection information because i knew that this will run in a docker network wih dns enabled so that i could create a connection to the hostname “postgres”. When you want to externalize the information about the connection you can look at another blog post, which deals with this issue.
Hi Torben, got it working by explicitly setting the env variables on the postgres image through the docker-compose.yml file. I have set them on the Tomcat image earlier on but based on your comments they need to be on there as well.
So, that’s good news.
Next, on first startup every worked well and I was really happy. Then I restarted the docker-images to see if the data was properly persistent only to find out that the tomcat image is not starting up anymore. It seems the app-core starts correctly, but the app itself does not (there is no logging of it). But it also seems Tomcat itself is hanging as I cannot access the root nor /manage/html. No response whatsoever.
But no error either.
Again, attached is the logfile of the restart. Thanks for all your help!