How to link remote Bintray repo to Artifactory

Download the latest Artifactory

If you need to get the latest Artifactory OSS, go to URL Service End for Bintray, JCenter, GoCenter, and ChartCenter | JFrog.

Unpack downloaded file, go to bin subfolder and run ./

Next, open your Artifactory on http://localhost:8081 address, login as admin/password.

Prepare your Bintray repo

For public repos

Go to your Bintray repo, open desirable repository, for example main. Click SET ME UP button, choose Creating a remote repository in Artifactory and follow the instructions provided.

  1. From the Artifactory admin UI, create a new remote repository named main
    (you can use a different name if main is already taken)
  2. Put this as the URL:
  3. Make sure that Handle Releases is checked and Handle Snapshots is not checked
  4. You may include this repository in a virtual repository, as best practice

For premium repos

Go to your Bintray repo, open desirable repository, for example premium. Click SET ME UP button, choose Creating a remote repository in Artifactory and follow the instructions provided. Use entitlement instead of username & API-key.

  1. From the Artifactory admin UI, create a new remote repository named premium
    (you can use a different name if premium is already taken)
  2. Put this as the URL:
  3. Make sure that Handle Releases is checked and Handle Snapshots is not checked In the Advanced Settings section, fill in your entitlements based on your license key
  4. You may include this repository in a virtual repository, as best practice

Create remote Artifactory repo

Open Artifactory in your browser then click the right top corner and choose Remote Repository as shown in the picture below. Then click type Maven.


With URL from previous step create a repository (do not forget leave an option Handle Snapshots is not checked), for main repo:


For premium repo use the following URL:

Use your license key 1234567890-aBcDeFgH. Fill your entitlement i.e. license key, in the following format 1234567890@cuba-platform as username and the second part of the license key aBcDeFgH as password on Advanced tab:


Despite the check is not passed (Error 403), you have to create a repository with these settings. The error indicates that it is not allowed to listing the directory premium. Artifacts are accessible by direct links.

Let’s your Artifactory works at http://localhost:8081/artifactory/. Then the repository created a minute ago will be accessible by the following URL http://localhost:8081/artifactory/webapp/#/artifacts/browse/tree/General/premium.

You may browse your repo by this link: http://localhost:8081/artifactory/list/premium/. To ensure that the repo works fine, add the following line to the end of previous link:

com/haulmont/fts/fts-desktop/6.3.4/fts-desktop-6.3.4-sources.jar, the complete URL will be looked as:


Now you may use your Artifactory repos in Studio or build.gradle (do not forget to use the same entitlement for premium repo):
