Working with reports


I am trying to develop my first report on Cuba.
As soon as I tick the reports checkbox in the “App Components” of the project properties, I get the attached error.

Could you please specify what is missing for me to be able to use the reports premium Add-on?
Do I have to download specific libraries and add them to the build path?

Appreciate your prompt feedback.

Shady Hanna

Reports Error.txt (4.3K)


The error states that our main repository is inaccessible from your network. We have moved our servers a few weeks ago, so it could be the reason.

Try to flush your DNS cache using (if on Windows):

ipconfig /flushdns

If it doesn’t help, switch to the Bintray repository in Studio server window. See Configuring Access to Repository - CUBA Platform. Developer’s Manual for details.

Thanks, it is working now.

Hi Konstantin,

I have no errors now, but still, I am not able to see the reports menu in my application on runtime.

What could I be missing here?

I checked build.gradle and the section related to the reports repository has been added successfully.

buildscript {
    ext.cubaVersion = '6.4.5'
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
            credentials {
                username(rootProject.hasProperty('repoUser') ? rootProject['repoUser'] : 'cuba')
                password(rootProject.hasProperty('repoPass') ? rootProject['repoPass'] : 'cuba123')
        maven {
            url ''
            credentials {
                username(rootProject.hasProperty('premiumRepoUser') ? rootProject['premiumRepoUser'] : System.getenv('CUBA_PREMIUM_USER'))
                password(rootProject.hasProperty('premiumRepoPass') ? rootProject['premiumRepoPass'] : System.getenv('CUBA_PREMIUM_PASSWORD'))
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.haulmont.gradle:cuba-plugin:$cubaVersion"

        classpath "com.haulmont.cuba:cuba-global:$cubaVersion"
        classpath "com.haulmont.reports:reports-global:$cubaVersion"


What am I missing here? I have also tried adding the username and password in the environment variables, and still cannot see the report generation menu.

Appreciate your prompt feedback.

It can be if you have switched your menu in “Single” mode. Click Open web menu on Generic UI tab in Studio and make sure your menu is in “Composite mode”.

Hi Konstantin,

Thanks it is working now, but still not able to launch my first test report.
I get the error “Could not find Open Office Instance”. As per the documentation, I have to configure the open office path in the application property: reporting.openoffice.path
However, this property is not listed among my reports application properties.
I have other props related to reporting such as reporting.backgroundReportProcessingTimeoutMs, reporting.wizardEntitiesBlackList, etc… but the above property is not there.

Appreciate your help.

Please ignore my last thread, Issue fixed by adding it manually to on the middle-ware.