Workflow deploy error


I created the workflow on model editor.

But when i trying to deploy the model from my application it shows the following error

SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'targetRef' must appear on element 'sequenceFlow'.

Is there anything i am missing .

Please suggest me how to fix this issue.


the reason is the same as in your previous topic: some arrow doesn’t connect nodes properly.


I am getting the following exception while deploying the process from application

ActivitiException: Errors while parsing:
[Validation set: 'activiti-executable-process' | Problem: 'activiti-exclusive-gateway-condition-on-seq-flow'] : Default sequenceflow has a condition, which is not allowed - [Extra info : processDefinitionId = caseApproval | processDefinitionName = Case approval |  | id = sid-BC6FC102-DB70-4885-A129-B32398AE49AA | ] ( line: 37, column: 120)

Please suggest the way to fix it.


The bahaviour of the Activiti last version was changed and now it’s not allowed to have both the ‘default’ checkbox selected and the condition for the sequenceflow at the same time. Please remove the ‘default’ checkbox from the sequenceflow or clear the ‘Flow outcome’ lookup field.
We will fix the documentation.

Thanks Max,

Yeah that was the issue.