Wizard Plugin change message.properties

Hi there,
How can I change the captions of the buttons in the wizard?




in order to override those labels, you have to create a message.properties file in the location the original translation file lives:

The addon still works with the code inside the gui module, not the web module. Therefore you first have to create a gui module in case you don’t already have it in your app.

Studio allows you to do it via the main menu: CUBA > Advanced > Manage Modules > Create gui module.

Within this module, you just create the same package de.diedavids.cuba.wizard.gui.components and create a file messages.properties or messages_de.properties in your case with the overridden localizations.

I hope this helps


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Hi Mario,

thnaks for your answer.

Your solution seems not to work… :frowning:


I still have the english translation visible.

Hopefuilly you can halp me another time. :slight_smile:


Does it work if you change the values in the messages.properties file?

No. Same old translation…

Hmm, this is strange…

Can you please follow this guide: https://www.cuba-platform.com/guides/localization-in-cuba-applications#manually_provided_translations and replace any other translation from CUBA? This way you make sure that in general it is working. The wizard addon does not do anything special in this regard.


Hi Mario,

I changed the messages for standard actions by implementing new messages.properties file in the package com.haulmont.cuba.gui in the gui module. This worked fine.

I will tests this later with the wizard example project to see if its only my project with this problem.

Cheers Nico

Hi @mario
in the example GitHub - mariodavid/cuba-example-using-wizard: Showcase project for using cuba-component-wizard it does not work too.

Have you any other suggestion?
