I have been trying the demo application of the dashboard add-on (latest version) and can see there are several Widgets existing as follows. But when I use the add-on, we have to create all these.
Can we have those widget types created automatically when the add-on is added? the objective is to have those widgets reused instead of creating in every new project.
Thanks for sharing details about it.
Widget types should be discovered automatically from the classpath. If you want to share your own set of widgets to your projects then you can create your own CUBA addon with these widgets. Then this addon can be easily included in your projects.
Hi Evgeny
I have attached a demo application where you will see default widgets are not available to use. Thanks for letting me know what needs to be done to fix this problem.
demo-cuba.zip (106.0 KB)
Hi @mortozakhan,
You have to make your widgets using frames (legacy). Only report charts (you have created in your project) will automatically available.
Look at the documentation of the latest version of Dashboard app component, you will notice the new version has a newest approach to create widget type and share across applications which is going to be very useful. I understand what Evgeny explained that is supposed to work but might have some glitch somewhere and waiting for is help.
Hi @mortozakhan,
I’ve checked your project and I can’t find any widgets in your project. Since 3.0 version dashboard addon supplies without any widgets.
Is it viable embedding those widget types in demo with the app component so that we can start with that like before?
Hi @mortozakhan,
Please explain what you mean under like before
If not mistaken, fee widgets used to be available to use instead of nothing now.
Hi @mortozakhan,
In release notes Dashboard add-on is now compatible with CUBA 7.0 with new features - CUBA.Platform we have noticed that default Screen
and Lookup
widgets are no longer available, so Dashboards 3.0 addon currently supplies without default widgets.