Why i can't find back my password?

When i login my account in another computer, i found that I have forgotten my password, i try to find back my password using my email,see picture1.
But i the cuba site seems that can’t recognize my email.set picture2.
How can i do ?



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You are registered via different email on the main website, please use it to restore your password (If you changed email on the support forum the changes did not propagate to the main website).

This is me, the post creator.
Yes,i have changed my email from lugreen@gmail.com to lugreen@qq.com.
I try to find my password via lugreen@gamil.com, now i can receive password rest link .see Picture1, I change my password follow the link and login using lugreen@gmail.com, i found that the account is not the same account as lugreen@qq.com. With lugreen@gmail.com account i can’t see my topics on the support forum,but the eamil account have received all topicts posted posted by me,see Picture3.
How can i get back my account?


Please log out /log in using your gmail address

I have do that, the problem is that I can’t see my posted topics history.

Please re-login again

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Now my topics back. But it seems that lost a topic i posted about two days ago using gmail account.
But it’s OK,i will post it again.

Thanks very much!