When open the project error occured

hi all,

When open the project with studio following error occured , what shoud i do ? :slight_smile:


Tried to fix but stiil no solution have any idea ? it is so important project. It worked properly i did no change but suddenly error occured .

Hello, @berikboltt

It seems that credentials that are specified for the repository you are trying to open are incorrect.

Anyway, please attach log file of CUBA Studio that is located in the home directory under the following path: .haulmont/studio/logs/app.log.


Hello, @tsarev

I attached the last studio log file .

I tried to create new project but the some project core libs not found such as

import com.haulmont.charts.gui.components.map.MapViewer;

Regards ,
Byerikbolstudio.log (8.6 KB)

This class is related to the charts add-on. Did the problem occur after adding this add-on or not? Could you also specify a version of your CUBA Studio installation?


it was worked normally but few days ago the error occured . i did not add any add-on.
the version is 6.8.0.

Thank you ,

I mean that the MavViewer class is from the charts add-on and you cannot use it without adding it into your project.

Have you tried to open the project with the latest version of CUBA Studio?


Hey i solved the problem by updating the studio and re entered the license .

thank u for ur advices .

Regards ,

Byeriikbol Timur