I am having a strange behavior of a StandardEditor, where the above mentioned method is being called recursively, causing an unfetched error. However when I delete a relationhip of the editor edited entity, the method is not called, avoiding the error.
The point is that after debugging on the method, I see the order in which the editor through this method traverses the object graph, and gets to a very high point, which apparently has no relationship with any field in the screen. The relationship path causing the problem is not visualized in the screen, nor fetched through the views.xml entry.
But I am suspicious why the method is called. I guess when there has been an unexpected change.
Normally this method is called only in child screens of compositions and doesn’t cause any problems with unfetched attributes because it checks whether the fields are loaded.
Could you provide a test project where the problem is reproduced?
providing an example is difficult, since my project is huge, and honestly I fear I won’t be able to reproduce it in a simpler model, because I have similar situations in my code, and I am having this issue at a very specific point.
I will try and in the worst case will at least provide the complete stacktrace and overall explanation of the entity relationships and views.