Hi, I want to use left join jpql for ValueCollectionDatasource.
Here the query I use:
select o.propertyA, o.propertyB, t.entityThree.propertyC, t.entityThree.propertyD
from app$EntityOne o
left join app$EntityTwo t
where o.propertyA = t.propertyA
But what happened is that it throws this error:
at com.haulmont.cuba.core.app.RdbmsStore.isEntityAttrViewPermitted(RdbmsStore.java:734)
at com.haulmont.cuba.core.app.RdbmsStore.lambda$checkValueQueryPermissions$1(RdbmsStore.java:691)
I was looking here the error was about view and attributes. I know how to set up the views for CollectionDatasource, but how about the ValueCollectionDatasource? Or is the error of something else?