Using related Entities component in editor


i was just reading about the relatedEntities component, and i wondered why this is only possible to add this button on a table. I would rather additionally add it to an Editor and let me show all Orders to a specific customer that i opened in the editor.

I know that i could just add it to the browse screen and just select my particular customer, but i oftentimes have a situation that from a particular editor i want to execute actions on this entity.

Is there a chance to generalize the component so it is capable of being executed from a editor?


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Hi Mario,

For now, RelatedAction works only with a ListComponent target that provides currently selected row, so you cannot use it in editors.

It is an excellent idea to add support for any value or datasource in RelatedAction and we will try to implement it in 6.3 release.

More thoughts:
-Include the option to short-cut menu. this will be more user-friendly
-Use this option to drill-down by double-click
-drill down based on selected cell e.g. if double-clicked on the customer cell, show respective customers

Hi Yuriy,

is there any related youtrack issue on that improvement? Or information about the implementation? That would be great.

Bye Mario


now the improvement is scheduled for release 6.5. See:

:ticket: See the following issue in our bug tracker: