Use of data supplier in platform V7

I have been following the file upload code in the user guide for platform v7 here but it seems that even data supplier API is used in the example it is supported in legacy platform only. DataSupplier can be injected only into LegacyFrame inheritors
	at com.haulmont.cuba.gui.sys.UiControllerDependencyInjector.getInjectedInstance(
	at com.haulmont.cuba.gui.sys.UiControllerDependencyInjector.doInjection(
	at com.haulmont.cuba.gui.sys.UiControllerDependencyInjector.injectValues(
	at com.haulmont.cuba.gui.sys.UiControllerDependencyInjector.inject(
	at com.haulmont.cuba.web.sys.WebScreens.createScreen(

What would be the right API to replace it?

Hello @mortozakhan

Just use DataManager. You can find that DataSupplier delegates all invocations to it, as described in JavaDocs.

We’ll update our documentation to avoid misunderstanding in future. Thank you
