Use filter with custom mysql

I create a custom datasource with my custom mysql

select os, sex from tblUser;

but i dont know how to use this custom datasource with filter
pls send me demo or guide step by step
Currently I add this cutom datasource to a table and set filter for this table, but filter not working
Thanks for your support,



You cannot directly use the generic Filter component with a custom datasource. Filter is designed to add conditions to a JPQL of a standard collection datasource.

So I how to paging table with a custom datasource.
Thanks for your support,

Paging with a custom datasource can be implemented as follows.

Suppose you want to display data from this table directly, bypassing CUBA ORM:

create table FOO (
    NUM integer not null primary key,
    NAME varchar(100)

Create a non-persistent entity Foo:

@MetaClass(name = "customdatasource$Foo")
public class Foo extends AbstractNotPersistentEntity {
    protected Integer num;

    protected String name;

Create a service returning a list and a count of Foo:

public class FooServiceBean implements FooService {
    private Persistence persistence;

    public List<Foo> getFooList(int maxResults, int firstResult) {
        String sql = String.format("select NUM, NAME from FOO order by NUM limit %d offset %d", maxResults, firstResult);

        QueryRunner runner = new QueryRunner(persistence.getDataSource());
        try {
            return runner.query(sql, new ResultSetHandler<List<Foo>>() {
                public List<Foo> handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
                    ArrayList<Foo> list = new ArrayList<>();
                    while ( {
                        Foo foo = new Foo();
                    return list;
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public int getFooCount() {
        QueryRunner runner = new QueryRunner(persistence.getDataSource());
        try {
            Object[] row = runner.query("select count(*) as _count from FOO", new ArrayHandler());
            return ((Number) row[0]).intValue();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

Create a custom datasource, implement getEntities and override getCount():

public class FooCollectionDatasource extends CustomCollectionDatasource<Foo, UUID> {

    private FooService fooService = AppBeans.get(FooService.class);

    protected Collection<Foo> getEntities(Map<String, Object> params) {
        return fooService.getFooList(maxResults, firstResult);

    public int getCount() {
        return fooService.getFooCount();

In a screen, define the datasource and add element to the table:

<window xmlns=""
        caption="Custom datasource with paging"
        <collectionDatasource id="foosDs"
        <table height="100%"
                <column id="num"/>
                <column id="name"/>
            <rows datasource="foosDs"/>

In the screen controller, initialize the datasource with a desired page size:

public class FooScreen extends AbstractWindow {

    private FooCollectionDatasource foosDs;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

See the full example project here: GitHub - knstvk/custom-datasource: This example illustrates how to create and use custom collection datasource in the CUBA Platform

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