Use Edit/Create screens when user presses button on AbstractJavaScriptComponent


I have an AbstractJavaScriptComponent that uses jQuery. It has buttons on it to add entities, at the moment I am using URLs that direct to e.g. open?screen=entity$Entity.edit&item=entity$Entity-112532-sda-3324-323-

However that is very slow, and I’m sure there is a better way to on click, go back to the server and just display the edit screen in a Dialog or new tab - how would I go about doing that?



You need to register the function to be called from a client-side, for example:

public MyComponent() {
    addFunction("onClick", new JavaScriptFunction() {
        public void call(JsonArray arguments) {
            // do something

and call this function in the JavaScript connector:

window.com_example_MyComponent =
    function() {
        var connector = this; = function() {

Read the RPC from JavaScript to Server-Side section from the Vaadin documentation for more details.


Hi Gleb,

Thanks for the reply. Given the click-through how would I then redirect the user to either a Dialog or a new tab showing the edit screen from the component class?


Use the openEditor() method to open editor screen. You can specify how to open the screen: DIALOG, NEW_TAB, THIS_TAB. Read more in the documentation here and here.

Pay attention that the openEditor() method is available in a screen controller. If you need to obtain the current frame to open an editor from a component class, you can use the following:



Hi Gleb,

Thanks, sorry for so many questions, but got to the point where I’m trying the openEditor command you give above, but it requires a WindowInfo parameter as the first param - I’m assuming I need to create a new WindowInfo(“screen$Sample”, [What goes here?])

The second parameter is an Element which needs to be the element of the screen.xml? How do I get that?



I would recommend using WindowConfig to obtain a WindowInfo instance, for example:

WindowConfig windowConfig = AppBeans.get(WindowConfig.NAME);
WindowInfo windowInfo = windowConfig.getWindowInfo(windowAlias);
