Upgrade to Cuba 7 from Cuba 6.10

Hi Team ,

Currently we are upgrading from Cuba 6.10 to Cuba 7

While connecting to HSQL DB we are getting Cuba 7 hover theme with the new coloring
Although we are overriding theme with the same sampler application modification

below is screen shot for connecting to HSQL DB


Also one more thing the Refresh button for the filter showing with the message id not the value without any modification from my side


When just changing the data source to be connecting to our old DB which is PostgreSQL initiated on Cuba 6.10 application this the styling i’m getting


Without any changes on the application just change Data source

And for screens also this the styles


Although i’m expecting to have the new theme colors from Cuba 7 like below one



Hi Team ,

Any Chance to get response regarding mentioned before ,

Thanks for your support

Hi @abd.ibrahim.allam,
If the theme are incorrect just changing your database, then it is probably related to your user settings (the one you are using to login). Take a look at your user configuration (Help -> Settings):


After changing to the desired theme, logout and login again.


Hi @peterson.br ,

Thanks for your response ,

currently what i have disabled input field on the theme select while connecting to My PostgreSQL with theme value = halo like below


Although i defined inside web-app.properties
cuba.web.theme = hover

While connecting to HSQL DB value changed automatically without any action taken


I also investigated application properties from the administration to check if their is any value that i can update but nothing clear

Also regarding Refresh button captain which changed also without non clear reason.


Hi @minaev,

Can you please support regarding above mentioned .

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Theme persisted as user setting takes precedence over specified in web app config. You can reset settings (see the button on the bottom of the settings screen), or enable changing theme.

BTW The only way to disable changing theme is by explicitly setting corresponding parameter of settings screen.

Re: filter button caption - can you please move issue with button caption to a separate topic? We are trying to keep topics to be related to a single problem.

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Hi @minaev ,

Thanks alot it worked with me ,
Steps to fix it
1- following the link you shared corresponding parameter

2- set <param name="changeThemeEnabled" value="true"/> i think it is by default = false

3- navigate to Help > Settings change the theme and save