Upgrade Addon-Wizard Version Request

@mario quick question is there any chance to get the Wizard addon updated to version 6.10.X? getting some errors when trying to import the addon as it is released for 6.8 only. Is that possible?

Also, I’m not able to get access to the sample project in Git, I’m getting this error: Unable to load app component… Please check credentials of project repositories.

using this URL:

Thanks so much in advance!

Hi, while you’re waiting for the author’s response, try to clone the original addon locally, and open it in Studio. Then you can try to simply upgrade the CUBA version, assemble it and install as a local component on your machine. If it compiles without errors, there’s a chance that you can use it as is in your project.


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i’ve updated the wizard app component to CUBA 6.9 / 6.10.

See GitHub - mariodavid/cuba-component-wizard: This application component let's you create UI wizards through a specific UI component DSL for details.




Should also be fixed. It uses 0.3.0 now with CUBA 6.10.

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everything is working like a charm again! thanks so much for taking care of this request @mario

is there a version for platform 7.x ?

Please refer to Studio documentation:


on the information how to install add-ons and add libraries to your project in Studio 11.

You’re targeting 7.1.0 Beta version (I see it in the screenshot), and there are no add-ons yet for that version…
If you want to test a Beta/Snapshot version of CUBA, you can’t use any add-ons compiled for a stable version.
Downgrade the project to the latest stable CUBA 7.0, and you’ll be able to install the Wizard add-on version 0.4.0


Is there some information about Wizard add-on for 7.1 Cuba?

hi @fala70 & @Evgeniya_K,

Thanks for reaching out. Wizard in version 0.5.0 is now available with CUBA 7.1. support.


Hi @mario,

I’m attempting to use Wizard in my project after previous failed attempt few months ago. I just create a step and trying to get it working.

How to work with data containers in wizard step? I have created the data container (companyDc) in the main screen and referring that in the step. But it shows me that companyDc not found.

I have checked your sample project, where data sources are used, not data containers. So How do I make it working with data container?

Few observations:

  1. CUBA IDE warns that UI Descriptor not found, which is there. If I make this class extending Screen instead of AbstractWizardStep, this warning will go away, but that will not work with Wizard.

  2. And In UI Descriptor


DId you eventually solve that issue ?
I am having same problem, getting error

Container 'registrationDc' not found


The wizard addon has never adjusted to support CUBA 7 UI APIs.

So for the time being you have to live with the old datasource and AbstractFrame concept.

Sorry, I don’t have a better answer for you.


Hi David,

I do have some band width to work wizard addon. I would like to add support for CUBA 7 UI APIs.

If you guide me where to start looking at would be very much appreciable.


Hi @harikrishnadhas.k1,

thanks for the offer. That sounds reasonable. I think this is one of the most requested changes for the addon. So if you are willing to invest some time into this - feel free to do so. I will help as best as I can.

The status quo of the addon is that it only supports CUBA 6 UI APIs. This means in particular, that is bound to the concept of Frames. In CUBA 7 the introduction of the successor of the Frame is a Fragment. Currently the fragment is actually a wizard step.

I think this is actually a problem. Perhaps instead it should be more like “a wizard step contains a fragment” in the sense of such an XML description:

    <fragment />

This way it is easier to use the 7.2 functionalities of fragment properties, which would otherwise hard to achieve.

Another problem is that the API of the wizard addon does not really embrace the API style of CUBA 7. In CUBA 7 there are a lot of “Install delegates” or “event handlers” via the corresponding annotated methods.

But this also requires further investigation and is actually not really needed in order to leverage the CUBA 7 APIs.

So in order to achieve a bare bone compatibility with the CUBA 7 UI API, I think it might be enough to try to replace the superclass of the AbstractWizardFrame from AbstractFrame to Fragment. See: https://github.com/mariodavid/cuba-component-wizard/blob/master/modules/gui/src/de/diedavids/cuba/wizard/gui/components/AbstractWizardStep.java

Then you have take a look at the corresponding errors that might occur. I have not really looked into what might come up from this, so it is hard to judge right now.

To try it out, you can look into this example: GitHub - mariodavid/cuba-example-using-wizard: Showcase project for using cuba-component-wizard

Note, in order to test it locally, you need to install it via gradlew install.

I hope this helps as a starting point.


Thanks for the guidance @mario. I have started with forking with your git hub repository. Coming week I will start slowly working on this. Anytime I do have doubt will ask you clarifications.



I just released version 0.8.0 which supports CUBA 7 based Screen APIs.

Please try with the new version if it works for you.


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Hi @mario,

Initially I wanted to work on this and started to work based on your guidance as well, later I couldn’t spend much time on this.

Good to know you released a new version which will support CUBA 7 based Screen APIs.

Is there any change in usage comparing to old version?

How do I utilize the CUBA 7 based APIs?
