Updating project from 6.10 to 7.1.0, entity problem

Hi, as the subject indicates, my entities are broken after update.
Project compiles but checks at startup of tomcat choke on entities.
I compared them to an other running project and found no differences.
Log has an entry for each of my entities:
Entity class [ENTITYNAME] is missing some of enhancing interfaces: CubaEnhanced; PersistenceObject; PersistenceWeaved; PersistenceWeavedFetchGroups;

How do i correct this?


Most probably the entities enhancing configuration in your build script (build.gradle) is broken for some reason.
Just curious, do you use Groovy in your project?

You can create fresh empty project in Studio using the same CUBA platform version.
Then compare build.gradle files and make necessary changes to the build.gradle script in your project.

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I checked the script, and there was this line, that differed from the working project gradle file.
task enhance(type: CubaEnhancing)
that I replaced with
entitiesEnhancing {
main {
enabled = true

which caused some other havoc but after cleaning, errors disappeared on all ends.
Application now works. Thanks a big lot.

By the way, I did not use groovy.

Have a great day !