Updated to 6.7.4 now get "package com.vaadin.ui does not exist" when building

Today I updated from platform version 6.7.3 to 6.7.4. Since the update in IntelliJ I can no longer import any packages from com.vaadin other than com.vaadin.tapio.*.


I addition, when I try to start via Studio get -

org.gradle.api.GradleException: Unable to find SCSS file /Users/<user>/Documents/dev/cuba/<app>/modules/web/build/themes-tmp/VAADIN/themes/out/styles.scss.

<user> and <app> redacted.


Have you tried to regenerate Intellij IDEA files? Execute the following command in a command line:
gradle clean cleanIdea cleanIW idea.

Best regards,

I ran the following via the gradle wrapper:-

./gradlew clean cleanIdea cleanIW idea 

Here is the output: -

Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
The Task.leftShift(Closure) method has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 5.0. Please use Task.doLast(Action) instead.
        at build_cyqg0opj3jyyugvpsbi2il93k$_run_closure5.doCall(/Users/mwhy/Documents/dev/cuba/fish-surveys-admin/build.gradle:105)
:app-web-themes:clean UP-TO-DATE


After opening Idea, the package com.vaadin.ui is still unavailable to import.


After attempting a restart in studio, I still get the error below and cannot run my app: -

org.gradle.api.GradleException: Unable to find SCSS file /Users/mwhy/Documents/dev/cuba/fish-surveys-admin/modules/web/build/themes-tmp/VAADIN/themes/out/styles.scss

Here is the complete output from Studio when trying to start my app.

[08:16:05.862] Restarting the application server
[08:16:05.864] Executing Gradle tasks: deploy start
The Task.leftShift(Closure) method has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 5.0. Please use Task.doLast(Action) instead.
 at build_cyqg0opj3jyyugvpsbi2il93k$_run_closure5.doCall(/Users/mwhy/Documents/dev/cuba/fish-surveys-admin/build.gradle:105)
:app-core:assembleDbScripts UP-TO-DATE
:app-core:dbScriptsArchive UP-TO-DATE
:app-global:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:app-global:buildInfo UP-TO-DATE
:app-global:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:app-global:enhance UP-TO-DATE
:app-global:classes UP-TO-DATE
:app-core:compileJava NO-SOURCE
:app-core:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:app-core:classes UP-TO-DATE
:app-core:sourceJar UP-TO-DATE
:app-web:buildScssThemes FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app-web:buildScssThemes'.
> Unable to build theme /Users/mwhy/Documents/dev/cuba/fish-surveys-admin/modules/web/build/themes-tmp/VAADIN/themes/out/styles.scss
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 1.9 secs
[08:16:07.820] Task 'deploy, start' failed
org.gradle.api.GradleException: Unable to find SCSS file /Users/mwhy/Documents/dev/cuba/fish-surveys-admin/modules/web/build/themes-tmp/VAADIN/themes/out/styles.scss

Here is my build.gradle file: -

buildscript {
    ext.cubaVersion = '6.7.4'
    repositories {
        maven {
            url 'https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/work'
            credentials {
                username(rootProject.hasProperty('repoUser') ? rootProject['repoUser'] : 'username')
                password(rootProject.hasProperty('repoPass') ? rootProject['repoPass'] : 'password')
        maven {
            url 'https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/premium'
            credentials {
                username(rootProject.hasProperty('premiumRepoUser') ? rootProject['premiumRepoUser'] : System.getenv('CUBA_PREMIUM_USER'))
                password(rootProject.hasProperty('premiumRepoPass') ? rootProject['premiumRepoPass'] : System.getenv('CUBA_PREMIUM_PASSWORD'))
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.haulmont.gradle:cuba-plugin:$cubaVersion"


def globalModule = project(':app-global')
def coreModule = project(':app-core')
def guiModule = project(':app-gui')
def webModule = project(':app-web')
def webThemesModule= project(':app-web-themes')

def servletApi = 'org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-servlet-api:8.0.26'

apply(plugin: 'idea')
apply(plugin: 'cuba')

cuba {
    artifact {
        group = 'gov.azgfd.fins'
        version = '0.1'
        isSnapshot = true
    tomcat {
        dir = "$project.rootDir/deploy/tomcat"
    ide {
        vcs = 'Git'

dependencies {

def mssql = 'com.microsoft.sqlserver:mssql-jdbc:6.1.0.jre8'

configure([globalModule, coreModule, guiModule, webModule]) {
    apply(plugin: 'java')
    apply(plugin: 'maven')
    apply(plugin: 'idea')
    apply(plugin: 'cuba')

    dependencies {

    task sourceJar(type: Jar) {
        from file('src')
        classifier = 'sources'

    artifacts {
        archives sourceJar

configure(globalModule) {
    task enhance(type: CubaEnhancing)

configure(coreModule) {

    configurations {

    dependencies {
        jdbc(mssql) { exclude(group: 'com.microsoft.azure', module: 'azure-keyvault') }
        testRuntime(mssql) { exclude(group: 'com.microsoft.azure', module: 'azure-keyvault') }


    task cleanConf(description: 'Cleans up conf directory') << {
        def dir = new File(cuba.tomcat.dir, '/conf/app-core')
        if (dir.isDirectory()) {
            ant.delete(includeemptydirs: true) {
                fileset(dir: dir, includes: '**/*', excludes: 'local.app.properties')

    task deploy(dependsOn: [assemble, cleanConf], type: CubaDeployment) {
        appName = 'app-core'
        appJars('app-global', 'app-core')

    task createDb(dependsOn: assembleDbScripts, description: 'Creates local database', type: CubaDbCreation) {
        connectionParams = '-cuba'
        dbms = 'mssql'
        host = 'phx-sql-dev'
        dbName = 'fins'
        dbUser = 'username'
        dbPassword = 'password'

    task updateDb(dependsOn: assembleDbScripts, description: 'Updates local database', type: CubaDbUpdate) {
        connectionParams = '-cuba'
        dbms = 'mssql'
        host = 'phx-sql-dev'
        dbName = 'fins'
        dbUser = 'username'
        dbPassword = 'password'

configure(guiModule) {
    dependencies {


    task deployConf(type: Copy) {
        from file('src')
        include "gov/azgfd/fins/**"
        into "$cuba.tomcat.dir/conf/app"

configure(webModule) {
    configurations {

    dependencies {

    task webArchive(type: Zip) {
        from file("$buildDir/web")
        from file('web')
        classifier = 'web'

    artifacts {
        archives webArchive

    task deployConf(type: Copy) {
        from file('src')
        include "gov/azgfd/fins/**"
        into "$cuba.tomcat.dir/conf/app"

    task clearMessagesCache(type: CubaClearMessagesCache) {
        appName = 'app'
    deployConf.dependsOn clearMessagesCache

    task cleanConf(description: 'Cleans up conf directory') << {
        def dir = new File(cuba.tomcat.dir, '/conf/app')
        if (dir.isDirectory()) {
            ant.delete(includeemptydirs: true) {
                fileset(dir: dir, includes: '**/*', excludes: 'local.app.properties')

    task deploy(dependsOn: [assemble, cleanConf], type: CubaDeployment) {
        appName = 'app'
        appJars('app-global', 'app-gui', 'app-web')
    task buildScssThemes(type: CubaWebScssThemeCreation)
    task deployThemes(type: CubaDeployThemeTask, dependsOn: buildScssThemes)
    assemble.dependsOn buildScssThemes

configure(webThemesModule) {
    apply(plugin: 'java')
    apply(plugin: 'maven')
    apply(plugin: 'cuba')

    appModuleType = 'web-themes'

    buildDir = file('../build/scss-themes')

    sourceSets {
        main {
            java {
                srcDir '.'
            resources {
                srcDir '.'

task undeploy(type: Delete, dependsOn: ':app-web:cleanConf') {

task restart(dependsOn: ['stop', ':app-core:deploy', ':app-web:deploy'], description: 'Redeploys applications and restarts local Tomcat') << {
    ant.waitfor(maxwait: 6, maxwaitunit: 'second', checkevery: 2, checkeveryunit: 'second') {
        not {
            socket(server: 'localhost', port: '8787')

task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
    gradleVersion = '3.4'

apply from: 'extra.gradle'

I deleted the /Users/mwhy/Documents/dev/cuba/fish-surveys-admin/modules/web/build/themes-tmp folder and now my app at least builds and runs.

I tried ./gradlew clean cleanIdea cleanIW idea again and the package com.vaadin.ui is still unable to resolve.

I merged my git branch with master and ran my app again. The files below got added to my project and the com.vaadin.ui package is now available in IntelliJ. I have no explanation what happened, but everything is back to normal.
