Unexpected error: ClassCastException in BulkEditor

I was trying to add Bulk editor in the table but when I run the application and select ‘Bulk Editor’ button it gives me this error.

‘‘ClassCastException: com.company.networkstatus.entity.Mapping cannot be cast to com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.BaseUuidEntity’’


Could you provide the full stack trace of the exception? What Id type does Mapping entity have?

Please find the attachment of the exception stack trace and where I can find the ID type of an entity?

Screen Shot 2017-03-27 at 16.38.49

It seems that your entity is not derived from BaseUuidEntity, but currently BulkEditor only support s entities that are derived from BaseUuidEntity or StandardEntity with UUID primary key.

I’ve created the issue, we will try to provide support for entities based on integer/string keys in one of the next minor releases.

:ticket: See the following issue in our bug tracker:
