"Unable to save plugin settings"


since a few days I often get the error message “Unable to save plugin settings” in IntelliJ:

2023-06-29 07_34_48-KSM C__Projekte_apps_aksm – jetty.xml KSM

I then always have to reactivate and restart the plugin.

My environment:

IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1.3 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-231.9161.38, built on June 20, 2023

Non-Bundled Plugins:
    com.gmike.visual-studio-2019-dark (1.5.3)
    com.intellij.properties.bundle.editor (231.8109.91)
    com.samdark.intellij-visual-studio-code-dark-plus (2.7)
    org.sonarlint.idea (
    CUBA (15.10-231)
    com.github.dinbtechit.vscodetheme (1.8.1)
    com.intellij.spring.shell (231.8109.90)
    io.jmix.studio (1.5.6-231)
Kotlin: 231-1.8.21-IJ9161.38

The following exceptions are defined in the antivirus software:

2023-06-29 07_38_31-Wächter Ausnahmen

Any ideas to solve this problem?


Hello all,

I think the problem is with the virus scanner. I added my project folder to the exceptions and since then I have not received the error message.

If the problem still occurs I will write here again.
