Unable to migrate from 6.10.15 to 7.0.12


I get this wierd error in IntelliJ when trying to migrate my project from 6.10.15 to 7.0.12:


Somehow, during the migration there is an attempt to alter a file in a 6.0.15 jar ?!

I’ve restarted my computer, cleaned the .gradle folder, .haulmont folder etc. Still, the issue persists.

Any ideas or suggestions?


Hi! Could you attach you idea.log file? You can find it at Help -> Show Log in ....

Hi Alexander,

Thanks for your comment. Here is the log file after doing a new attempt with the same failure.

Hope this helps.


idea.log (5.2 MB)

Could you provide your web.xml file from the web module?
I created a new issue on our bug tracker.

Also, try to update to new CUBA Studio plugin version.

Hi Alexander,

I updated the plugin but the error remains exactly the same. Attached is the web.xml file.

web.xml (3.7 KB)

Hope this helps.



Please remove classpath:cuba-web-app.properties from appPropertiesConfig parameter value in web.xml files in all modules. This should help.

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Seems to do the trick. After some attempts to get everything in place I managed to migrate the project. There are now some compile errors but these can be solved by going through them one by one.

Thanks for your help!