Unable to input some key combinations in input fields (i.e. Text Field) in 6.6.3


I’m using Platform 6.6.3 and am having problems input in input fields such as TextFields.
For example, if I try to input “es”, only “e” will be input, and “s” will not be input no matter how many times I have pressed “s” (i.e. press “esssssssss”, only “e” is input).

Please let me know how I can provide more info if necessary.
Thank you,



I can’t reproduce your case. How do you input your key combination? Do you use the auto case conversion feature?

Best regards,


My apologies for the late reply. This happens using normal input without conversion feature.
Apologies for my previous lack of specific information.

This happens with TextFields generated via componentFactory and inserted in DataGrid Header.
I have then specified these’s components value to be use in query filter.

Attached please find my project.
To reproduce, in the home window:

  1. Select the “Cuba Rocks” event
  2. Click the tiny “Shifts” button - this opens a window with a DataGrid, with the TextInputs in the header.
  3. Type in the “Memo” column TextInput

The relevant screen is: Web Module/screens/cpuEditorTwo


tojm.zip (7.5M)


thank you for a clarification and the attached project. I’ll take a look at it and give you an answer as soon as possible.


I have a problem - ‘global’ module depends on ‘manual:tojLogo’ artifact and it seems that it is your custom JAR file. Could you share it with me?

Hi Daniil, thank you for looking to this.
All dependencies are in the “manualDependency” folder at the root of the zip file.



it was hard and funny to find a problem. Actually, you can’t input the following keys in your ‘memo’ TextField: i, n, o, s, t.
You can’t do it because you use these keys as shortcuts for the DataGrid actions.
When you press buttons with these letters you invoke these actions.

Best regards,

Wow… good job for finding that…!
Thank you very much for the time spent and for finding the cause of the issue.

Best regards,
