(Thomas Meacham)
November 13, 2018, 3:11am
As of 6.10.3, when creating a new project extending the user entity and replacing parent, user.edit is not available to extend.
If you revert to 6.10.2 , user.edit appears in the list to as an option to extend when creating the extended user view.
Steps to reproduce:
start new project with Studio 6.10.2 and Platform 6.10.3
create an entity (UUID) and extend SEC$User
add one property
save and right click to create view, user.edit is not available to extend. (all other user.* views are)
I have reproduced this in Cuba Studio 6.10.2 and Cuba Studio Stand Alone Edition.
If you upgrade to 6.10.3 and look at the user.edit view on the Extended User entity, all properties will be blank.
(Natalia Firstova)
November 14, 2018, 8:04am
Could you pleace check, that the Replace parent in entity designer checkbox is selected.
(Thomas Meacham)
November 14, 2018, 11:37am
It is. The other user views wouldnt be available to extend if it wasn’t. I am able to reproduce this simply by upgrading the platform version (user.edit not available to extend) and downgrading to 6.10.2 (it is once again available in list)
(Natalia Firstova)
November 16, 2018, 10:46am
Unfortunately, we cannot reproduce the problem. We will be able to help you if you send us a small sample project.
(Thomas Meacham)
November 16, 2018, 10:27pm
Extended User View (5.7 MB)
I made a short screen capture movie to show you the issue.