Hello team,
I’m attempting to extend the ExcelExporter
class to add functionality for exporting all records, not just all records on the screen, as that functionality appears to have been left out. However, I’m having a problem simply extending the class at all, as Intellij IDEA with CUBA Studio plugin isn’t able to find the ExcelExporter class. It is a public class, and I don’t think I’m forgetting anything about package access.
I’m using IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1.5 (Community Edition) with CUBA 15.10-231 plugin. I’m using CUBA platform version 7.2.20 in this project. I’ve tried raising the Java version in the project structure to 17. I’ve reimported the Gradle project.
The context menu for the on-screen error prompts me to add CUBA gui elements to the classpath.
I’m beginning to think that I am forgetting something about class access, but I’m running in circles attempting to find what it is. Little help?