Unable to deploy on remote Windows Tomcat


I am trying to deploy app and app-core .war files on a remote tomcat instance running on an in-office server.

I tried previously, and succeeded, to deploy the same war files in a local running tomcat instance. Had some difficulties but thanks to valuable Alex Budarov’s help, managed to get it working.

Now I am trying to deploy as a test on our production machine running with the very same tomcat version (actually is a copy of the local apache tomcat folder), and the very same JRE & JDK (though JRE would be the only necessary one), and am getting errors related to javax.el.ELManager .

Find attached the console output that hopefully will shed some light on the problem.

console.log (64.3 KB)

Many thanks for your help.


Carlos Conti Zalacaín.

Let me just ask you a couple of questions.

Which Tomcat version do you use on that server?

Which Tomcat version is recommended for CUBA deployment (or used by local debug Tomcat server)?

To avoid problems I use exactly the same version on both machines: Apache Tomcat 7.0.82

My dev machine is a Linux macine running Ubuntu 18.0.4
My remote machine runs Windows Server 2012

Both machines run JDK/JRE 1.8.0_202

Wanted to keep things simple, so reproduced the same environment for tomcat and java.


Carlos Conti.

Hi Alex,

I am trying a couple of fixes.

Don’t approach it yet. I might be able to solve it. Will come back on this once checked.




I was able to solve it by deploying on the same Tomcat version as the one deployed with Cuba Studio.



Carlos Conti.