Unable to connect to the IDE. Check if the IDE is running and CUBA Plugin is installed

Dear Sir,

I got the Cuba Studio and Premium Addons Subscription but I wish delay to start using the new Studio v.8.2 because I just started a project in CUBA Studio SE v.6.10.3 and I wish to end it within the actual CUBA Studio v.6.10.3 since I need to done the actual project in a few days.

Using CUBA Studio SE v.6.10.3 and IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.5 when I click “IDE” in Project properties of CUBA Studio I get the error “Unable to connect to the IDE. Check if the IDE is running and CUBA Plugin is installed.”
I generated the IDEA project files from Studio already.

From where I can download the old CUBA Plugin?

Since I’m a subscription customer I can’t understand why no one from CUBA enterprise give me support about a so basic question.
I posted this question in the Support section already.

Ivano C.

Hi Ivano,

I don’t know which version of Cuba Plugin you have installed. But if this is the ‘new’ plugin one reason that you are not able to connect is, that you didn’t have enabled the ‘old Studio integration’.

Please talk a closer look on your CUBA settings in the IntelliJ…


As you see at the end of the dialog - you should have checked the box!

Good luck


Hi Steven,

Thank you very much!

This is a well kept secret in the CUBA documentation :smile:

Thank you again!
Ivano C.

P.S.: Anyway, do you know if there is still the possibility to get the ‘old’ plugin?


you can install the old plugin if you remove the https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugins/haulmont/list URL from the list of custom plugin repositories in IntelliJ.

Thank you Konstantin, and thank you for the excellent work you are doing.

Ivano C.


is the plugin still available? the link is not working


Not sure. But the “Enable integration” checkbox should work for the old web-based Studio:

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