UberJAR application occurs error when starting


My application run correctly in develop environment, starting from IDEA configuration.

When i run with UBer jar , occur errors when starting,the root cause is :


The UBer setting is:


Am i missing some thing or do some thing wrong ?


It seams Uber JAR was started on JAVA 9-11, because JAXB classes were excluded from JAVA 9.
Please check that build.gradle contains:

configure(globalModule) {
    dependencies {
        if (!JavaVersion.current().isJava8()) {

and build Uber JAR using JAVA 11

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I tried this and it did not work, although the jaxb libraries were being included in the app-core/WEB-INF/lib directory on deployment.
What worked for me was to download jaxb-ri-2.3.0.zip and take the *jar files in the lib folder and added them to app/WEB-INF-lib folder of my application.