I think this would be a very useful component dhtmlxGantt
I agree, CUBA should have a good Gantt Chart component within it.
Did you check this one (https://gantt.twproject.com/), it’s also very good one and it’s free, opensource.
Here is more detail info. http://roberto.open-lab.com/2012/08/24/jquery-gantt-editor/
@nelsonflorez Thanks. It seems that we have to vote to get the team’s attention. Since the title is specific component, @marcin.zawadowicz, do you agree we vote for the one that I proposed and nelson agreed?
Thank you for yours interest my idea. In my opinion dhtmlxGantt is more advanced. It has very useful features such as:
- task duration not only in days,
- range time of work (in hours, week day, etc.).
However, I think “Twproject Gantt” can be extended with missing features.
So I agree to vote on “Twproject Gantt”.
p.s. Sorry for my english
We realize the significance of integrating new features/components into the platform and do have support for adding them. However, dhtmlxGantt is licensed under GNU GPL or Commercial license. GNU GPL license is incompatible with Apache 2 thus we cannot include this component in the platform. It can be only paid add-on that should use Commercial License of dhtmlxGantt.
Hi @artamonov
Thanks for your comments. However, we agreed and vote for the other one in this post i.e. Twproject Gantt” that you may take a look (I provided the link in my previous comment). This component is free and open source and believe it meets your legal requirements as well as will be very useful for the CUBA community.
Thanks for sharing, it is a really nice project, will take a look
Hi @artamonov
I am eager to hear from you about the plan and progress! It will be really a good addition in CUBA component library.
As an option, take a look at the Gantt Vaadin add-on. Also, we have added a demo project at GitHub that shows how to use this add-on in CUBA applications.
Hi Gleb
Thanks for that demo Project. I looked at it couple of years ago and seems they have improved a bit. I shall try the demo app. However, the proposed component is much better than Vaadin add-on. Therefore, considering Twproject gantt would be a great choice for the CUBA component library and the developers.
Hi Yuriy
I hope you had a chance to take a look at TWProject Gantt component by now and hope you will consider this in the road map.
Thank you for the reminder, this idea is under consideration in our app component team. Unfortunately, there are no concrete dates yet.
Hi Yuriy
Great that the app component team is working on it and hope will come into reality like the team has presented great components so far.
I want to add to this discussion, that TWProject is a great component, but unfortunately the OSS version published on GH only supports tasks duration with whole day resolution.
That is, you cannot render or create tasks that start (and end) in the middle of a day, nor create ones with durations expressed in hours or minutes (only whole days).
In this respect the commercial alternatives are by far superior, but I agree that the licensing limitation is a problem if you seek a free component.
Hi @pfurini
Just checked at the project site and found that the start/end date are defined in milliseconds
start, end: are expressed in milliseconds. “start” is set to the first millisecond of the day, “end” is set to the last millisecond of the day.
here is the link : https://roberto.open-lab.com/2012/08/24/jquery-gantt-editor/
that’s correct, but start
is constrained (read: supported) to be at the start of the day. Every other value is not supported by the current UI. The end
property is there just for convenience, read the duration
paragraph just below the text you pointed out:
duration: is always in working days (emphasis mine). If there are holidays on the calendar (see below for holydays configuration) the end date will take it into account. Actually the end date is always recomputed using “start” and “duration”, and it is supplied for comfort
In addition, read the comments at the following URL: https://roberto.open-lab.com/2017/04/05/new-gantt-editor-release-the-best-ever/
I’m copying here a couple of relevant comments:
Q: Can you provide duration entry in decimals. e.g. 10.5 days. Currently it is rounding the duration.
A: Unfortunately duration is always integer in days.
Q: Hello, I must say nice software you have. can we get a version of the software the start and end timeline estimated in hours and minutes instead of calendar date?
A: Yes, there is a PRO version. Contact me rbicchierai a t twproject d o t com
Yes that’s right. However, There are many applications where gantt in days, weeks, months are good enough! And especially when it is free version and the component is so good. In case we need the gantt to work in hours, minutes, seconds option will be to use commercial version of the component! Unless there is a good alternative options right away in free versions!