I’m facing with a weird issue and would like to get your advice on this.
I have a scenario which I need to update/insert into multiple tables, I created a middleware service with transaction similar to below code.
try (Transaction tx = persistence.createTransaction()) {
//step 1: create a new effective group / end date existing group
final String getExistingEffectiveGroup = "select ef from service$ServiceEffective ef where ef.expiryDate is null";
Query query = persistence.getEntityManager().createQuery(getExistingEffectiveGroup, ServiceEffective.class);
List<ServiceEffective> exitingEffectiveDates = query.getResultList();
//Expire current group
final String expireEffectiveGroup = "update service_effective_table set expiry_date = current_timestamp where expiry_date = null";
Query expireGroupQuery = persistence.getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(expireEffectiveGroup);
final String facilitySql = "select e from service$Facility e join fetch e.type where e.type.name = 'Facility'";
Query facilityQuery = persistence.getEntityManager().createQuery(facilitySql, Facility.class);
List<Facility> facilities = facilityQuery.getResultList();
for(Facility f : facilities) {
ServiceEffective effective = metadata.create(ServiceEffective.class);
effective.setEffectiveDate(new Date());
//step 2: update editing params to newly created group
final String updateServiceParamsEditingSql = "update service_table_editing " +
"set effective_group_id = ?1 " +
"where effective_group_id = ?2 ";
final String getCurrentEffectiveDateByFacility = "select ef from service$ServiceEffective ef "
+ "where ef.expiryDate is null and ef.facility.id = ?1";
for(ServiceEffective ef : exitingEffectiveDates) {
Query newEffectiveDateQuery = persistence.getEntityManager().createQuery(getCurrentEffectiveDateByFacility);
newEffectiveDateQuery.setParameter(1, ef.getFacility().getId());
List<ServiceEffective> newEffectiveDates = newEffectiveDateQuery.getResultList();
ServiceEffective effectiveDate = newEffectiveDates.get(0); //should only return 1
Query updateServiceParamsEditingQuery = persistence.getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(updateServiceParamsEditingSql);
updateServiceParamsEditingQuery.setParameter(1, ef.getId());
updateServiceParamsEditingQuery.setParameter(2, effectiveDate.getId());
int updatedParams = updateServiceParamsEditingQuery.executeUpdate();
System.out.println(ef.getFacility().getAbbrev() + " num of updated param: " + updatedParams);
//step 3: move all editing params to main table.
final String createSystemParamsSql = "insert into service_table(id,version,key_,type_,value_,effective_group_id,created_by,create_ts) \n" +
" select uuid_generate_v4(),1 as version, key_,type_,value_,effective_group_id,ef.created_by,ef.create_ts \n" +
" from service_table_editing rspe \n" +
" join service_effective_table ef on rspe.effective_group_id = ef.id \n" +
" where ef.expiry_date is null";
Query createSystemParamsQuery = persistence.getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(createSystemParamsSql);
int numOfParams = createSystemParamsQuery.executeUpdate();
System.out.println("newly created params: " + numOfParams);
//step 4: send all params in editing table with effective date as current date to kafka topic
final String effectiveParamsSql = "select sp from service$ServiceParameter sp "
+ " join fetch sp.effectiveGroup"
+ " where sp.effectiveGroup.expiryDate is null";
Query effectiveParamsQuery = persistence.getEntityManager().createQuery(effectiveParamsSql, ServiceParameter.class);
List<ServiceParameter> effectiveParams = effectiveParamsQuery.getResultList();
//step 5: commit and conclude transaction.
Everything’s working without error, I’m able to confirmed with print out (see code) that the insert and update return with positive count.
But after the execution and commit, only the entries used persist statement found on database, none of other found, what did I do wrong and how should I correct this? is there any restriction on using entity type persist and native query update?