Time Line using HTML UL & CSS

I have built a number of web applications in the past but this is my first dip into Cuba Platform and I’m after some advice on how to solve this issue:

In a number of projects, I have created ‘timelines’ which are based on HTML ul’s (unordered lists) where the il tag for each event on the timeline which holds a div with a title and a content and then I use CSS to style it into a timeline.

I typical example can be found here: Timeline Pure HTML/CSS - Plunker

In the past I would use the loop feature within whatever templating engine in use (JSP, etc) to iterate over a result set and each iteration would create a li block within the unordered list. Although a typical thing to do in something like JSP, it doesn’t look to ‘fit’ in the Cuba Platform Screen designer’s patterns. So I’m looking for help on how I would handle this need?

Many Thanks,
Paul Fletcher.


Such layout is unnatural for Backoffice UI of Cuba platform, but feasible.

In order to display custom HTML markup the Label component with htmlEnabled="true" can be used. You can use for-loop in order to generate part of the resulting markup in the screen controller.

The bootstrap dependency can be added right in the screen, e.g.:


But I’d recommend implementing all the styles from scratch (or copy and paste the styles you need) because adding a bootstrap dependency might break the layout of the Cuba application. This is because Bootstrap adds styles for the entire page that may conflict with existing styles. Custom styles can be added in the theme extension.

To sum it up, the possible solution may look as follows:

Screen Descriptor:

<window xmlns="http://schemas.haulmont.com/cuba/screen/window.xsd"
    <layout stylename="timeline-screen1">
        <label id="content" htmlEnabled="true"/>

Screen Controller:

public class TimelineScreen extends Screen {

    private Label<String> content;

    protected void onInit(InitEvent event) {


    private String generateTimeline() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("<div class=\"container\">\n" +
                "<div class=\"page-header\">\n" +
                "<h1 id=\"timeline\">OUR PROCESS</h1>\n" +
                "<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-fire\"></span>\n" +
                "</div>\n" +
                "<ul class=\"timeline\">");

        // for ()
        sb.append(generateTimelineEntry("SUBMIT YOUR PATENTED SOLUTION",
                "Mussum ipsum cacilds, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo. mais bolis eu num gostis.",
        sb.append(generateTimelineEntry("SUBMIT YOUR PATENTED SOLUTION",
                "Mussum ipsum cacilds, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo. mais bolis eu num gostis.",
        sb.append(generateTimelineEntry("SUBMIT YOUR PATENTED SOLUTION",
                "Mussum ipsum cacilds, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo. mais bolis eu num gostis.",

        sb.append("</ul>\n" +
        return sb.toString();

    private String generateTimelineEntry(String title, String body, String icon) {
        return "<li>\n" +
                "<div class=\"timeline-badge\"><i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-" + icon + "\"></i></div>\n" +
                "<div class=\"timeline-panel\">\n" +
                "<div class=\"timeline-heading\">\n" +
                "<h4 class=\"timeline-title\">" + title + "</h4>\n" +
                "</div>\n" +
                "<div class=\"timeline-body\">\n" +
                "<p>" + body + "</p>\n" +
                "</div>\n" +
                "</div>\n" +

Without deep styling I’ve achieved the following:

Screenshot 2021-02-17 at 13.16.25