Dear team,
I have started learning Cuba 1 week ago ,I have created a simple login page I am confused with themes I have used existing theme halo and no changes appeared in login page. I have to make red background full page and just a login window floating over it, my login page images is given above. Please help me team.
Thanks & Regards
Sahil Vichare
Hello Sahil,
Are you sure you need to start with CUBA Platform?
There is Jmix which is a new generation of the same project.
@krivopustov yes I am sure sir please help me with cuba learning as I am not getting any more resources .
OK, in order to change background of the login screen to red do the following:
Create login screen in your project: New → Screen → Login screen, call it
.Now you have the source code of the screen and you can modify it as you need. Look at this style name, you’ll need it later:
<layout stylename="c-login-main-layout" expand="loginWrapper">
theme: Themes → Manage Themes → Create Theme Extension, then add tohalo-ext.scss
:@mixin com_company_demo-halo-ext { .c-login-main-layout { background-color: red; } }
Switch to
theme in = halo
That’s it. See more at Extending an Existing Theme - CUBA Platform. Developer’s Manual