The downloading for studio is very very slowly in China

We test the downloading for studio:
In Beijing and Shanxi, four different net environment , the downloading is very slowly all , only a few Kb/s probably .


Thank you for reporting the problem.
We now use KeyCDN which apparently has no points of presence in mainland China.
We’ll think what we can do.


Ok, looking forward to it.

Downloading from CUBA repository is slowly when build in studio also.

We have switched default repo for new projects to Bintray.
Could you compare the speed of and Index of /groups/work ?

We will test.

Hi, Konstantin
The downloading speed of “bintray” maven repository seems that is ok. The build process need about 1 or 2 minute for first build. It‘s fast enough.


today I needed to switch to Index of /groups/work because the dl.bintray did not work any more for me…
→ could not access error message


At the moment the bintray repository is working.
Could you please provide more information about your problem and provide steps to reproduce it? Maybe you working behind a proxy? Information about working behind a proxy can be found here.

sorry, forgot to answer :frowning:
I am not behind a proxy…
when I find the time, I will investigate further and send you details