Table Column Order cannot be changed

Hi Team,

I have a group table with the following columns reordered correctly.
When I log into Cuba Application and try to access this table the last two columns are changed - ActiveTo - ActiveFrom. I am using default admin account when I log into Cuba application. In table properties I have exlcuded sortable and reordering options.
I also have another table which have datasource with ordering included in the JPQL query - order by id DESC.
This table appears not ordered by ID in descending order. All this issues comes when I use default admin account.
I created another account with Admin privileges and when I log with it this issues are gone.
I am using 6.7.4 Cuba platform version.
Do you know what may cause this issue.
Table settings

Hi @martin.valchev,

The problem you are facing seems to happen due to sorting options, applied for the table before and saved in the user settings table. Please, have a look at this topic and follow the advice to clean up the content of the SEC_USER_SETTING table. Hope it will help.


Hi Aleksey,

Thanks for the quick response.

I have cleaned SEC_USER_SETTING table content but this does not help me
solving my issue.


Hi Aleksey,

It appears that whenever I clean SEC_USER_SETTING table it keeps putting the same old settings

again on user login. I have found what row and column I need to change in this user setting in order to have correct table ordering.I have modified it using SQL query however on next user login CUBA added new record
in the table with the old settings and I still receive incorrect table columns ordering.
I have commented UserSetting line from persistence.xml and clean SEC_USER_SETTING table once again.
On next login it appear that Cuba did not applied the old settings and table column order appear correct.

Is this the correct way to clean old user settings.

Hi @martin.valchev,

Let me guess that you are performing all the operations when this screen is opened in your application. This will not work in this case, as these settings are read at the moment of screen opening and written back to the db on closing.

So, just close this screen and repeat the operation :slight_smile:
