Sys_tenant_id not filled in report_report en report_group tables

Hi there,

I have come across something weird. I am try to build a multi tenant solution, so far everythings works as excpected until I came to the reports. The sys_tenant_id is available, however never filled in. I have tried with an user with full-access and as a tenant user. Also when I update the sys_tenant_id myself with a valid tenant_id, every tenant has access to that report. Like the multitanacy does not work for reports.

Does anayone know goes wrong and how can I solve it?

To test if it is my app. I downloaded the example multitenant project and added reporting. When adding a report as walmart_admin, the costco_admin has also access the report. Checked sys_tenant_id is not filled. Same unexpected behaviour.



Hi @willemhelder1972,

Thank you for reporting the problem, raised an issue there.
