Studio show a wrong Main Message Pack

Hi guys, I have a very annoying problem with Cuba Studio. If do you specify on your project creation wizard two languages EJ. Spanish and English and follow the steps to apply community translations Community Language Packs

After copy the translations files to the project, close the project on Studio and reopen it, in the CUBA Solution Explorer under the Generic UI → Main Message Pack it shows a wrong Main Message Pack, I double-check in and the cuba.mainMessagePack config property is pointing to the right package.
Please let me know if is needed more info to reproduce the problem.

Best Regards

Hi! Could you say, what message pack is presented as the Main Message Pack?

Hi @shustanov, thanks for answering, if do you follow the official steps for using the community language packs you will see that appears the translations from com.haulmont.cuba.web instead your Main Message Pack defined in the on the cuba.mainMessagePack property.

Here is a video that shows the problem, It will be removed in 24h ±:

Best Regards

Thank you for providing more details! We already working on the problem. You can watch progress in our bug tracker issue.

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