in the current release of studio (previous versions i did not tried) i got this exception when i try to start the application sever the second time on the same db instance name:
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid DB scripts directory name format: 50-cuba-example-temporal-reference-data
The full stacktrace you can find in the attached file. You can have a look at the problem with this example project: GitHub - mariodavid/cuba-example-temporal-reference-data: CUBA platform example that shows different possibilities for reference data together with temporal validity. Can this have something to do with the length of the project name? It can be worked around if in the second time the application should start the db instance name of the hsqldb is changed, but that might not work for everyone
Perhaps you might want to take a look at it.
invalid-db-scripts-dir.log (10.7K)