(Studio 7) "OK" button on project properties does not work

Using CUBA Studio build 183.71.

I go to the CUBA->Project Properties menu option and the dialog box pops up as expected. However I cannot press the OK button - clicking on it does nothing. I can alter things in the dialog box but not save them - any ideas why?

Could you please upgrade the Studio version to build 183.9.1 and check if the problem still exists?


When I check updates Studio tells me there are no updates to apply?


To enable automatic update you need to setup plugins repository. See Studio User Guide.
Another option is downloading the latest version from the website

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This problem is still present in latest version I downloaded,
Could you advise for a fix?


Seems that there is some error on Project Properties saving.
Could you please attach the idea.log file? It can be easily found via Help -> Show Log in Explorer

as expected here:
idea.log (561.3 KB)

Hi! Have you installed any custom Idea themes? If yes, please, use standard IntelliJ or Dracula theme. Custom themes may hide dialog validation messages. If not, please, attach a screenshot of your Project Properties dialog.