Still can't create Polymer Client


Creating a new Polymer module in Studio 6.10.1, platform 6.10.4 works now for me (it didn’t since 6.9)
But assembling gives the warning “[could-not-resolve-reference] - Could not resolve reference to element-mixin” in -shell.html (118,7).
The line in cause is the new code-template with mixins
"class Home extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([CubaLocalizeBehavior], Polymer.Element).
The Client curiosily seems to work but I have no localization, messages, thigns like that.

How can I solve this?

Hi, what preset do you use: polymer or polymer-typescript ?


None of them works.
As I said in Studio 6.10 I create a new project, call it ‘PolymerTest’, and add frontend client module polymer-2.
Assembling gives this waning:
And it doesn’t work.
If I add frontend client module in Polymer2+typescript it doesn’t even compile, gives this error:

Would really appreciate a solution for this,


Thanks for reporting.

With regarding to warnings - it’s a known issue of Polymer linter when using Polymer.mixinBehaviors.

It seems the newest version of Polymer (2.7) introduced a bug. We’ll investigate further an roll out a fix soon.
By the time you can fix it by specifying more restictive version of polymer in bower.json:

“polymer”: “Polymer/polymer#^2.6.0” →"polymer": “Polymer/polymer#~2.6.1”

After doing this delete bower_components directory and run build.

UPD The fix has been released, you can just recreate polymer-typescript

Hi Minaev

I see bower.json is now generated with Polymer 2.6.1.
But no, that does not solve the problem, the polymer Client does not work properly.
Now both presets (polymer 2 and polymer 2-Typescript) compile with same warning about the reference to element-mixin. And the front end Client thus generated has no locallization or messages.


So, how to get the front end Client to work?
This kinda worked one year ago, can it be done with old versions of the platform?

Hi, could you please clarify what in particular is not working?
You mentioned localization - can you please provide an example of component which is not working?


Well, localization, the capacity of the user to chose one of the languages defined in the solution and have all the messages translated.
It used to work. I guess that’s the meaning of the warning “[could-not-resolve-reference] - Could not resolve reference to element-mixin”. The line that triggers the warning is:
class PolymerTestShell extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([CubaAppAwareBehavior, CubaLocalizeBehavior], Polymer.Element) The client has no localized behavior.
It’s no “component”, do you want a new project that demonstrates this?
By the way this does not work in beta3 also (now that’s some scary stuff, I have no project that works in beta3 and it seems you’ve already stopped working in 6.10)


Well, it’s been months, any update on this?
