Have been a user of cuba.platform and studio for a while now.
When I create apps sometime end-user are not very aware how to use it at the very fist time, they need to go and check documentation when there is one.
I found http://introjs.com/ as a very interesting solution, which would bring a super added value to CUBA… However, introjs is not completely free, here are some alternatives :
Bootstrap Tour - http://sorich87.github.com/bootstrap-tour/
jQuery Tour - GitHub - yckart/jquery.tour.js: A frontend presentation tool.
Tour.js - http://oskarkrawczyk.github.com/tour.js/
pageguide.js - http://tracelytics.github.com/pageguide/
aSimpleTour - aSimpleTour - jQuery Plugin
jquery.tourguide - http://maxkfranz.github.io/jquery.tourguide/
jQuery TutorMe - GitHub - shannoncruey/jquery.tutorme: A jQuery plugin for overlaying a tutorial on any web page.
Trip.js - Trip.js
Bootstro.js - Bootstro.js demo