SQL Server Integrated Security

It seems that Cuba-platform doesn’t support Integrated security for SQL Server.

We have been actively updating our Security and removed mix-mode on our SQL Servers and only support Integrated Security. Whilst I am able to get the application to connect and run via integrated security by installing Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.0 for SQL Server and changing the context.xml connection string to use integratedSecurity=true; The problem lies when Cuba tries to update the database, it expects a username/password. This is true with creating a new database as well. Cuba Studio will not allow a blank username/password I had to go around it by updating the build.gradle and context.xml manually.

Unless I’m missing something I feel that integrated security isn’t supported fully and I was hoping that this could be something that will be supported in the near future.


I’m afraid you are right about the case. CUBA Studio doesn’t support Integrated security for SQL Server.
Thanks for reporting the issue.

The YouTrack issue created.