Server Configuration

Hello All,

I am just exploring Cuba Studio and have few basic questions.
I would like to know if there are any recommendations on minimum server benchmarks. For example: To support 30 users, you need x CPU, Y memory etc.
Any recommendations of online hosting service providers where Cuba is running well. Any indications on how many users you have, what kind of Hardware (memory, CPU etc) you have chosen and how much does this cost. I am planning to suggest this platform to a customer and this will help them to understand if they have to host in-house or on cloud/hosting provider.

I am just looking for approximate numbers for better understanding. Please point me to any relevant articles if this has already been discussed.


Hi Prashanth,

It’s very difficult to suggest anything without knowing the nature of the application. For an average “system of records” where the load is generated mostly from the users working through the standard UI, I think the following parameters should be enough for 30 concurrent users:

  • 2xCPU
  • 512M Java heap memory

See also this discussion: Servers to support 1000 concurrent users - CUBA.Platform

As for cloud providers, CUBA apps don’t require anything specific, so they run well on AWS EC2 and the like, or in Docker containers.


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Thank You Konstantin. This helps.