Sending Automatic Email Process

Hi Aleksey,

1.Doudt about a BPM approver state.
We only fixing the approver from the BPM(Business process management.).means i will creating a one user that user is an approver for in the bpm.

2.But i want :-
we can’t add and select for a approver (Means user) .Once we select and fixed that approver every process approver will generating for every process how to do that.application%20approver


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Hi Aleksey,

sorry for bad communication.
every bpm process select for a approver means(user) is a every process for approver.

How i will fix that default approver(user).It possible.

Hi @ramkumarvairavel612,

I think I get your question - you would like to specify default approver(s).

First option, in the ApprovalEdit screen you can inject the approversDs datasource and add the default approver into the datasource:

    private CollectionDatasource<User, UUID> approversDs;

    public void ready() {
        User defaultApprover = ...

Then this user will be automatically added to the set of approvers in not removed manually.

Another option - you can do it programmatically. To see how it can be achieved look into the ApprovalEdit#createProcActors method.
