Good day,
I am trying to search through a table within a screen using wagonManagementsDs.setQuery("select e from transportationms$WagonManagement e "); but the where clause should read from a list of value.
Not sure if this is possible because it does not executed when i do.
for(int i = 0; i < listOfStations.size(); i++) {
wagonManagementsDs.setQuery("select e from transportationms$WagonManagement e "
+ "where e.yard IN :custom$stationList AND "
+ "e.movementStatus <> :custom$wagonMovement");
params.put("stationList", listOfStations.get(i));
params.put("wagonMovement", WagonMovementEnum.En_Route);
If there is a solution to this, pleae share.