Security access denied for edit window, browse window ok

After setting up a user with restriced rights i have a problem, that the user can access the browse window, but not the edit window ( access denied ).

I do not find an option, which allows explicit access to the editwindow, as all fields for this entity are read/write allowed.


  • Screen ( it is not mentioned browse / edit )
  • Entity ( create/read/update/delete allowed )
  • Attributes ( * for all allowed Entities )

If i push in the browse window create/edit -> access denied.
Remove is allowed;/

Hi @f.zehnder,

Your guess is correct. You need to allow access to edit windows.

When a screen is not included in the menu, it is located in Other screens, as you can see in the example below:



Dear Peterson
Thank you a lot for your indication. I was searching in other screens, but as it was the last option on the browser window, it seems i could not see the screens which where opening.
I am realising now, that be allowing the Main menu option, i am allowing the access to the modul.browse too. But the subsequent access to any entity i have to define separatly in other screens.
Again, thank you Peterson.
Best regards

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