i’ve a question about the searchPicker field component (or maybe about any ui component that will fulfill the request). What i’d like to achieve is that although there is a reference to another object actually i just want to persist a String of the reference, not a ID to another column.
Here’s a use case for this feature:
“When i create a customer in a customer editor i want to select a title in the form of the customer. There should be certain pre-defined values, but if i want to add custom things to the title in case the searched term is not in the list of available titles”
I attached a sample project. Instead of having a entity reference, i want to store a attribute “title” in the customer class with the type “String”.
So basically i just want to have some kind of suggestion, but not a reference.
To solve this i found this example: https://demo.cuba-platform.com/sampler/open?screen=user-input-lookupfield
as well as: https://demo.cuba-platform.com/sampler/open?screen=simple-searchpickerfield
But i’m not really sure how to solve this. I hope i explained my issue well.
Perhaps you have an idea on how to solve this.