I have a v7.2 application that was running on an Oracle database. I have copied everything over to a PostgreSQL database and am running the application there now. Everything is working except scheduled tasks. Nothing is being scheduled. Specifically the email queue process.
It was all working before, so I’ve messed something up in the translation process.
I have cuba.schedulingActive = true. I have a scheduled task for cuba_Emailer.processQueuedEmails configured under the admin username. I am able to send a test email successfully, so the SMTP settings are correct.
My emails stay in “Queued” state. I have set “log start” and “log end” on the emailer. Nothing is showing in the execution logs.
I have this in my app.log file:
2020-09-09 21:45:17.150 INFO [main] com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.CubaThreadPoolTaskScheduler - Initializing ExecutorService 'scheduler'
Where do I look to get this running?
Screen shots follow: