Can anyone help me with this problem where I am unable to save multiple tab records from a single editor screen. I have tried by adding entity listener but it doesn’t worked for me. I have attached a sample project above.
Below are the steps which expose the issue better:-
1- There are two screen i.e., UnderwritersIns & GrsIndustries
2- Under browse screen UnderwritersIns , there is a ‘clone’ button , when we select any record and do ‘clone’. you will get the edit screen with copied record in both of the tabs.
3- Now lets say we need to edit few fields i.e., FirstName & LastName. Rest of the record can be same including both tabs.
4- When we save the record after edit done, a new row (record) will be created. Now when we go to see if everything copied successfully with ‘edit’ button. You can see only first tab record are saved not second one (GRSIndustries).