Roles and Access Rights. File upload did't work (no access)

I try provide permissions to users by cuba application UI like this video:

In entity “Request” i have FileDescriptor attribute - document

@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "DOCUMENTS_ID")
protected FileDescriptor document;

Edit-UI component:

upload id=“documentsField” fileStoragePutMode=“IMMEDIATE” property=“document” showFileName=“true” fileSizeLimit=“5242880”

  • Admin (standart role: “system-full-access”) can upload and save file, upload button in edit-UI is active —> all is well
  • BUT my custom user have disable upload button

In cuba application UI i provide access to custom user:

  • Screen tab: access to fileUploadDialog and sys$FileDescriptor.edit
  • Entity & attribute tab: full access to attribute document

Perhaps I have not given access somewhere else?



You should give access to the sys$FileDescriptor entity. On the Entities tab of the role editor select the System level checkbox, apply the filter, find the sys$FileDescriptor and give at least read, create and update permissions to it.
