Roadmap for version 6.10

Hi everyone,

As you probably know, our main focus now is on the major version 7 that will be released this year. However, we also continue developing the current branch 6 and are going to release version 6.10 by the end of September.

Some prominent changes planned for 6.10 are listed below:

  • cuba #932: New visual theme in addition to current Halo.

  • cuba #695: Polymer client will be updated to the latest versions of Vaadin elements which can be easily customized and support the new Lumo theme (Material theme will still be available).

  • cuba-gradle-plugin #48: Compatibility with IntelliJ Gradle plugin will enable importing CUBA projects as Gradle projects to IDEA.

  • reports #14: New REST API endpoints provided by the Reporting add-on will allow you to run and download reports.

  • Data access improvements implemented in this PR are intended to simplify writing business logic on the middleware. It’s not merged into the release branch yet, and we welcome your feedback on the proposed changes.

The full list of planned issues can be found here (you have to be logged in on GitHub to open this URL).