A common requirement for open API is to have some form of rate limit on the number of requests to limit DDoS attacks. Does the REST API addon have this option ?
Alternatively, can we integrate in Bucket4J which works with Spring ?
It looks like you can use this library to limit REST API access rate. The PoC is attached. This is a simple CUBA application with portal module that contains a simple REST endpoint com.company.untitled.portal.controllers.TestRestController.
You can access it by http://localhost:8080/app-portal/hello/john URL. It should return Hello john. Please note that the endpoint is protected, so you need to log in using admin/admin credentials first.
If you prefer curl utility, the line is curl -v GET http://localhost:8080/app-portal/hello/john -H "authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4="
I didn’t have too much time to check all the integrations, but it looks like here we do not use any CUBA internals, so there should be no issues.